
Manon Réau

PhD in chemoinformatics

Bonvin Lab, CSB group
Utrecht University
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht, NL

Development of Deeprank-GNN - Bonvin Lab, CSB group, UU

Deeprank-GNN is a Graph Neural Network framework to learn interaction patterns from protein-protein interfaces

Deeprank-gnn - ppi to graphs

Shape-restrained protein-ligand HADDOCK docking - Bonvin Lab, CSB group, UU

Shape-restrained protein-ligand HADDOCK docking

Shape-restrained ligand/protein HADDOCK docking

Early versions of this protocol were used to perform drug repurposing on COVID-19 proteins

Importance of inactive data in models : application to virtual screening in human health and environnement - example of nuclear receptors - Cnam, GBCM

This section summarizes my PhD work under the supervision of Pr Matthieu Montes.

Study of the evolution of the use of decoy compounds/ true inactive data in CADD benchmarking data sets.

Creation of the NR-DBIND (Nuclear Receptors DataBase Including Negative Data)

Identification of computer-aided drug design (CADD) pipelines to identify modulators of different nuclear receptors


Theranalpha Project (Theranostic TNFa inhibitors) - Cnam, GBCM

The global objective of this project is to design and evaluate in vitro and in vivo theranostic small molecule inhibitors of TNFa to further provide inexpensive anti-TNFa therapies administered orally.

Project coordinator : Pr Marc Port, Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire, CNAM
The project is supported by an ANR grant: Read the full ANR project
