
Manon Réau

PhD in chemoinformatics

Bonvin Lab, CSB group
Utrecht University
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht, NL

last update : 22/06/2021

Manon Réau, PhD in chemoinformatics [read more]

Application Scientist, Qubit Pharmaceuticals, Paris, France

Main focus

Most of my work consists in studying molecular interactions through the prism of structural bioinformatics tools to 1) understand biological phenomenon, 2) identify hits for therapeutic research, 3) predict unwanted effects of either drugs or contaminants.

I focused my PhD research (@ Le cnam - GBCM ) on the study of the importance of considering inactive data provided by experimentalist to evaluate the performance of in silico models. See more details here.

I recently worked on the development of new tools to study small molecule/ protein interactions and protein-protein interactions :

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